In Pakistan and Afghanistan tea is the way to be further accepted within the culture ; the first cup your a stranger, second your a friend, and third your family. They live in mud and stone huts for shelter and eat food such as ibex. The area that their in is where the Taliban was created. The book Three Cups of Tea is the story of Greg Mortenson who promoted peace within these areas through education. Education is important especially for girls because most dont have any. His inspiration for all of this was from his sister who had died.
At first I wasnt sure how exciting this book would be because some auto biographies can get a little boring but this keeps me intrested. In this book there is a lot of emotion and detail that helps put the imagery in your head. I'm not sure exactly why but Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin use short paragraphs and long sentences.
I'm looking forward to continue reading this book and see what else is happening and I recommend this book to other people. Who knows it could inspire you to do something.
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