Imagine your taking a walk on a windy Autumn day; before you leave you grab a jacket and put your shoes and socks on. As you step outside you notice that nice aroma you can only smell during this time of the year, its truly amazing to see the seasons change and this season is one of the most beautiful to witness. Every step you take you hear the crunch of your feet hitting the leaves on the ground and the leaves on the trees are all these different colors; red, orange, yellow, and brown. You may also see pumpkins being sold for October with all different sizes ranging from big, small, fat, and skinny. You take a look through them until you find the perfect one for you, and when you do you decide to buy it. As your walk continues there are people all around raking leaves and jumping into the piles, others enjoying a nice walk like you, and probably some staying inside warming up. Before you leave to go back to your house you take a last look at what Autumn is all about.
The biggest holiday that takes place in Autumn is Halloween. Halloween is simply just a fun time to dress up and get candy. Also to have a party! Its always cool to see how creative people get with there costumes, there's always a humongous variety of different costumes. My favorite kind of candy to get on Halloween is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Twix! I always trade with my friends to get some there's. Halloween is simply fun!
The biggest holiday that takes place in Autumn is Halloween. Halloween is simply just a fun time to dress up and get candy. Also to have a party! Its always cool to see how creative people get with there costumes, there's always a humongous variety of different costumes. My favorite kind of candy to get on Halloween is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Twix! I always trade with my friends to get some there's. Halloween is simply fun!
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