High School isn't as bad as I though it would be, I mean I know my parents and brother told me I would be fine but of course there not gonna say "High School sucks your probably gonna hate it!" I don't really have any of my good friends in my classes except Mackenzie and Eileen in my 7th hour Personal Fitness. I love all the Activities going on here, there's always something to do! Yesterday I auditioned for the Fall Play, the callback list was posted today and I wasn't on it... I'm kind of dissapointed but it was only my first try so I'll just try out for the next play. I think I'm gonna join the Students Environmentally Active club next Wednesday, but I will have to figure out a plan to join because I have 7th hour which makes things difficult. Getting to school and leaving school is very convienent because I live close enough to walk which makes it easier if I stay late.
My 1st hour teacher is really nice, though math isn't my thing so the class is pretty boring. My favorite thing about her is that she gets volunteers to answer questions instead of just calling on people randomly. My 2nd hour teacher is very creative, science is also not my best subject but she makes it more interesting by the labs we do and the videos we watch. My 3rd hour teacher is very enthusiastic in Global Ed. World History, she has very high expectations and urges us to get more involved in current events. My 4th hour (in this class right now)teacher has sky high expectations and is very helpful because he prints our refrences and examples. My 5th hour teacher I have known since 7th grade because he teaches Choir for middle school as well as highschool. He picks out really good songs and is pretty easy going as long as you do what your supposed to be doing. My 6th hour teacher is enthusiastic about Cooking as am I and talks a lot about germs and how important it is to do a good job cleaning up and to not cross-contaminate. My 7th hour teacher is strict but is nice because she expects us to do well and put in some effort.
School won't be easy but I will truly try my best to get good grades and get involved in school activities.
As for that last sentence....so much for that :/ Oh well there's always next year.